This Vote: The Songs of February 1985 (35 songs)Based on the weekly top 20 surveys from Billboard, Cashbox and WHTZ in New York for February 1985
Select a desired rank value in the Rank column (1 to 35) for each song. Each rank value in the table below may only be used once. Available rank values will be blanked out as they are entered, so that you can keep track of your song rankings. To reset a rank that you have already added, choose the "(Select)" option. ***NOTE*** If you select a rank that you have already used, the previously-entered rank will be reset.
When all of the available rank values have been used, click the Submit button to send your song rankings. Please also make sure to provide your name (first and last name only, no nicknames) and a valid email address (both are required). Thanks very much for your participation! *** NOTE: If your submission is successful, you will see a confirmation popup. Please take note of the Confirmation ID and time stamp for reference in the event of any problems. If you do not see a confirmation popup or Confirmation ID after clicking on Submit, please contact Tom. ***
We hope to see you again for the next list. Make sure to tune in to Pop Gold Radio to hear Tom's List Show for the results! You may now close this browser window.
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