
Thanks for visiting the Tunemagic.net home page!

Looking for something else? Check out our currently available pages below.

Tom's List

Rank your favorite songs from radio station surveys. Featuring a new list each month, with results presented at PopGoldRadio.com


Vote for up to ten of your all-time favorite songs from any era or genre. Survey runs annually every fall, with results presented at RewoundRadio.com

The Isolated Track Challenge

Identify songs from snippets of isolated tracks

God On The Charts

An Exploration Of Secular Hit Songs With Inspirational, Philosophical, Or Otherwise Unexpected Themes

About Tunemagic.net

Who we are, and why this website exists

One more thing...

If you are a hiring manager, recruiter, shareholder, labor official, employee, job seeker in any field (but especially Information Technology), or anyone who cares about the state of the workforce, please take a few moments to read this post on LinkedIn.com